Sunday, April 30, 2023

A quick introduction-

 Hi there!

I live in Michigan, I do photography and I just turned 40- That's right- I am one of "those millennials (Technically Xennial but technicalities)" who remember watching MTV for the first time at a friends house during a sleep over. I remember being completely besides myself as these "cartoons" I have never seen before came on at 5 in the morning followed by these colorful, crazy music videos with real performers booming this music that I have never heard. 

I grew up quite sheltered so this was completely changing my whole world in a hour or less. I knew music, I knew animation but not Daria, Bevis and butthead or the "ren and Stimpy" episodes I didn't know existed. I was supposed to be asleep but as a very light sleeper and my friends teen sister turned the TV on- Boom.

I fully sobered up on April 4, 2021. Some, in the sober community call me a "covid baby"  meaning I was "raised on" zoom meetings and clubhouse sober groups. This is half true. I quit drinking a few years earlier and couldn't put all of the things down. For some - total abstinence from all substances is dangerous or unachievable- however for someone like me this was a necessity. I fully believe I wouldn't be here today if I didn't come to this conclusion. I lost just about everything and have spent the last two years trying to gain it all back...

In reality I have gained so much more. 

I hope to share with you my tribulations, set backs and massive gains in my life. I ask that you are open and that you read. This is only me. I am only one person. We are many on this planet. 

Sit back as I give you tidbits of my journey. 

I hope you stay. 

#sober, #soberlife, #millenial,  #xennial, #80sbaby, #90schild, #livingsober

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